$1,200.00 USD

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Unlocking My Leadership™ Senior Executives Cohort with Tissa Richards

Register today!
Cohort begins March 7, 2022

What you'll get:

  • 6 Weekly, 75-minute Live Sessions Led by Tissa Richards
  • Course Replays
  • Live Coaching From Tissa Richards
  • Unlocking Leadership Action Plan
  • Facilitated Small Group Discussions
  • All-Cohort Deep Dives
  • Guided Unlocking Leadership Workbook

Money-Back Guarantee
Attend the first session, and if you don’t see value, you can request a complete refund. (We highly doubt this will happen, but we believe you should be totally comfortable making this investment!)

What People Are Saying:

It’s surreal how Tissa can look into your soul, help you identify who you are and what you stand for, and put it into words.

Neeti Deshmukh, PayPal